Crystal D. Smith
Jedi Marketing MasterFor Marketing That’s Crystal Clear
I’m a full-time Jedi Master, part-time nerd. I love writing, reading, photography, art, and traveling. If I’m not cleverly crafting crystal clear content, I’m a fur parent to 6 furry 4-legged children.
My Story
At 6 yeard old, I started my first business. I approached my grandpa to help me buy supplies and stock. He agreed, but not before making me sign an agreement. On a napkin. Yup, a napkin. The supplies were a ‘business loan’ that I had to pay back, at 6% interest.
By HS I was successfully auctioning off Checker’s fast food to the highest bidder. My entrepreneurial skills kept growing as my business kept changing to meet the needs of my peers. My grandpa always encouraged me to learn, grow, question.
He was always my biggest inspiration. Despite his death in 2010, he remains my role model. The very reason I decided to hang my own shingle and begin the small business hustle.
Much of what I learned about being a good person I learned from him. The ethics, loyalty, and authenticity he taught me are values I keep in business.
Factoids About Me
I'm A Collector
I collect autographs, Funko Pops, Star Wars merchandise, Monopoly games, and socks. Yes, socks. I have over 60 pair of Stance Socks.
I Love Sci-Fi!
Altered Carbon is my favorite TV series. The Hobbit is my favorite book. The Matrix is my favorite movie. My favorite movie series are Star Wars, LOTR, and Transformers.
I'm a Hardcore Gamer
I love the competition and fun of gaming. Card games, board games, video games. I love Magic The Gathering, Settlers of Catan, and I play a lot of PS4. Some of my favs are Horizon: Zero Dawn, Fallout 4, AC: Odyssey, and Detroit: Become Human.
My Approach
Any skilled Jedi will tell you that every Padawan is unique. Their training is based on their strengths and weaknesses to improve results. Why should marketing be any different?
No two companies are alike. Even if you offer the same things. You, your processes, your messages are all your own. Your marketing should reflect that.
I take the time to talk to each and every client to get to know their individual needs. No cookie cutter methods worked over for each client.
Cool Stuff I Want To Share With You!
- Search Engine Journal Great way to stay current on changes & updates
- StorySelling That time I was on Freelance Transformations talking about how story telling is selling
- Trish Buzzone My personal leadership coach
- Shut Up And Take My Money Every nerd, geek, dork, and fanboy needs this website!
- Niel Patel The father of SEO’s blogs are really helpful for DIY’ers
- Digital Dykes Show – Where I combine humor, social issues, business education, and alcohol with guests and ideas from you
- How Great Leaders Inspire Action – Simon Sinek’s best piece of amazingness
- Systems Set You Free – This is a must-watch for soloprenuers and small teams