My FileMaker DevCon 2014 Commercial

I found this nostalgic gem when I was updating my YouTube video lists. When I went to FileMaker’s Developer Convention back in 2014 in San Antonio one of my interviews made it in Apple’s marketing commercial for the platform. So on a whim, I decided to...

Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey – My GoTY 2018 TIE

I just couldn’t pick only one. Sorry, but 2018 was too good for gaming to do that. So I didn’t go off of scores alone and I chose two games that I couldn’t stop playing. This and Detroit: Become Human. Assassin’s Creed Odyssey I hated this...

Detroit: Become Human – My GoTY 2018 TIE!!!!!

I know, I know. A TIE! I tried to whittle it down and compare scores but 2018 was one of the best years in gaming. I couldn’t pick just one of the two titles I thought were most epic. If you’re wondering what this tied with, it was Assasin’s Creed:...

Peyton Manning – The GOAT, The Legend, The Man

As a long-time Peyton Manning fan, I will never turn down an opportunity to write a piece on his legacy. Many will make the argument that rings are the ultimate definition of GOAT, but I say there’s far more to that. To be a legend, one must play with legendary...

Red Dead Redemption 2 Review

Red Dead Redemption 2 was a unique title to play and review as I have not played the original. Therefore it was harder getting started not knowing how ‘rough’ to expect this game to be. But over time after growing accustomed to everything, it’s a...