Jan 8, 2020 | Digital Marketing / Technology, SEO, Web Design
I swear there are fifty-leven hundred million WordPress SEO Plugins. Okay, okay, it’s more like 1,000 but still. That’s a lot. Especially when you have to decide which one to use. I can’t say I’ve ever found a source that’s claimed to...
Sep 11, 2019 | Digital Marketing / Technology, Marketing Strategies, Web Design
Content is king. All it is is something that is expressed through a medium. Content can be written. It can be videos, pictures, or audio. Verbal speech is a piece of content. Visual content is becoming more necessary in your marketing strategies as audiences progress....
Aug 14, 2019 | Digital Marketing / Technology, Web Design
Website speed can be the reason that your really good content doesn’t get noticed. It can harm your bounce rate, session time, conversion rate. Most people don’t realize the effect that can have on your sales too. For this article, I gathered data...
Feb 6, 2019 | Digital Marketing / Technology, SEO, Web Design
Website builders are all the rage! Especially as digital marketing grows. They commonly come in shiny packages and boast that they are “developer free”. The idea is to never need to hire a professional to create your website. In my experience, however,...
Oct 24, 2018 | Branding Strategies, Business / Operations Strategy, Digital Marketing / Technology, Web Design
This article is everything important you need to know about domain names. Especially if you’re in the market to buy one, or perhaps several. Some of the information is simply to satisfy a little curiosity. Knowledge is a powerful weapon one should always be...
Oct 10, 2018 | Branding Strategies, Business / Operations Strategy, Fun Articles!, Web Design
Have you ever wondered why some domain names are far more expensive than others? Have you ever wondered how expensive they could get? This article is part educational, and part fun. I doubt you’ll see any of this on Jeopardy but you never know! Domain Pricing...