Good marketing means lots of research. The better your research, the better your marketing strategy will be. This article will help you research like a pro with my 3 easy search engine tricks. Google knows everything if you know how to ask the question. You can find almost any POV to fit your narrative if you’re looking in the right place. This article will help you understand HOW to achieve the results of finding what you want, finding the most information, and finding answers with little data.
Research Like a Pro
I also recommend learning these ‘best practices’ of search engines so you’ll better understand SEO and your keyword strategy.
Don’t be a One and Done
A mistake that’s most common to make it asking one question and viewing one query of results. To get the most results, search each topic 2-3 times changing your search parameters around each time.
“What generation is 1981?” Google advised me I was an X
“What generation am I?” Now Google says I’m a Millenial or Gen Y with a much larger spread of years
“Am I generation X?” Google says I am a Xennial
3 different questioned centered around the same thing with 3 different results. As often as you can, think about other ways to ask the same question or new questions spawned from related content shown in one of your queries. To research like a pro, gather as much information as you can by asking as many pointed questions as you can.
Tailor Correctly
You can get as specific as you want with search engines, or as generic. Following the tip above I suggest you combine a more generic search query and a more detailed one to compare the results.
“How much weight can an ant carry?” gives me different results from “can an ant lift 10 times its’ weight?” Getting into more detail can give you more desirable results but too much detail will limit your results.
Weird Words
You should look for words you are not familiar with if you really want to research like a pro. That’s oftentimes how you’ll find the content you’re looking for, but didn’t know exactly what it was you WERE looking for.
“rash and peeling in skin folds on my face” you may get quite a few words or phrases you are unfamiliar with. Focus on those results that are more technical as they often do a better job of answering unique questions with limited data. Business Insider suggested most people overlook words they don’t know in search results because they think they aren’t relevant.
What are your thoughts? Do you have your own best practices for search engine use? How do you research like a pro? Let’s connect on Twitter where I’d love to hear from you about it.